AMA is an architecture studio committed to good design and subsequently a good quality of life. We believe in the rigorous process of discovering the inherent potential that lies dormant in our everyday experiences, through sympathetic calibration of the physical environment. Our interest expands across all mediums of place-making to develop solutions that are functional, generous and of lasting value.
AMA is based in Luzern Switzerland, established in 2017.
We are always open to receiving portfolios and applications from individuals interested in working with us. For active job opportunities and regular updates on the progress of our work, follow us on Instagram @am.architects
2022 Hochparterre : Wilde Karte
1 of 4 Young Swiss offices to be shortlisted for competition entrance consideration
2021 Archithese : Swiss Live Performance
Rotkreuz Highlife Project (Presentation available via Archithese Youtube channel)
2021.09 Karton : Architektur im Alltag der Zentralschweiz
The Best of Both Worlds
2020 The Materials Book
From Waste to Walls: A Swiss project uncovers the beauty of rubble (Berlin: Ruby Press, 2020), p. 360-361.
2020 Der Beste Umbau ’20 / Nominated – Rotkreuz Highlife
2019 AS (Architecture Suisse)
YOUNG – House of Trash, Rotkreuz (2019, April). AS, 215, p.15.
2019 Bewahrt, erneuert, umgebaut. Blick auf die Nachkriegsmoderne im Kanton Zug.
Hanak, M (ed.), Bewahrt, erneuert, umgebaut. Blick auf die Nachkriegsmoderne im Kanton Zug: Wohnblöcker Berchtwil (Zürich: Edition Hochparterre, 2019), p. 40-47.
2019.01 Architecture and Urbanism (a+u)
Re: Swiss – Emerging Architects Under 45 in Switzerland (2019, January). Architecture and Urbanism, 580, p.43-56.
2019.01 Bauwelt Preis : Das Erste Haus (First Works) / Shortlisted
Engere Wahl – House of Trash, Rotkreuz (2019, January). Bauwelt, p.46.
2018.01 Foundation Award : Förderpreis für Schweizer Jungarchitekten (Young Swiss Architects Prize) / 3rd Place
Ji Min An
Architect / MArch SIA
Philippe Müller
Architect / MA FH SIA
Thomas Brodbeck / Hochbautechniker
Erminia Mossi /Architect
Raffael Baumann / Architect
Ingrid Dahl Nilsen / Architect
Kevin Hüppi / Architect
Nina Gonzalez / Architect
Camille Amman / Graphic Designer